First you added channels and moved shows. then you added more channels and moved the shows again. I did have a problem with ds when i could watch what was then channel 114. Now all the interesting show that were playing on that channel were moved to channel 113 or the comedy channel which are channels compact subscibers can, t view.
See the reason we have compact is because we cant afford premium. You seemed to understand that but what changed, i don't know cause it seems you now only cater for people on premium by moving all the nice shows to channels that we people on pact can't watch. I MEANT REALLY? We stuck watching the same shows 4 times a week. Do you have any idea how annoying that is?
I promise if u keep this up you gonna start losing clients cause your taking away from us compact viewers bit by bit every time you decide to make change!!! It's Really Frustrating and Annoying. We may not be paying a lot of money but at least we should get value for that money cause what we getting know is no different form what the SABC subjects it's viewers too!!