» Construction & Repair » Complaint / review: 24sevenplumbing - 24seven plumbing living the name | #219199

24seven plumbing living the name

I had a burst pipe in the ceiling of the bathroom, I phoned at least 4 so called 24/7 plumbing companies and no-one even answered their cell phones. When i phoned 24sevenplumbing, i lost network and David Hoatson even phoned me back. I was asked to forward him my address and nature of plumbing required, then i made myself a cup of coffee, the cup was not even cold when Jaco ran the front bell. It took 24seven not even 7 minutes to respond to my call on a Saturday morning at 07:15. The leak was found, fitting replaced and the call out charge with parts and labour was came to a few hundred rands. It is sad that we tip waiters even if the food is bad, sorry Jaco for not including a tip when paying the bill. Will recomend your services to all friends and family, try their service and see the difference.


Company: 24sevenplumbing

Country: South Africa   City: Durbanville

Category: Construction & Repair


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