» Cars & Transport » Complaint / review: Electroref Parts - Continuous dishonest | #217765

Electroref Parts
Continuous dishonest

Client had a problem with his brakes but was advised by Mr Erasmus that his alternator on his vehicle was overcharging and that is why his brakes were not working properly. The alternator was then removed and a reconditioned alternator installed at a cost of R880. The brakes were not working so the client asked them to fix the problem or refund him the R880. An employee became rude and became personal and upset the client, an elderly gentleman. No refund was given and the brakes are still not working. While the client was at the premises a couple of other unhappy clients also asked for a refund and arguments ensued. We have since ascertained that this type of service is happening on a daily basis at this premises.


Company: Electroref Parts

Country: South Africa   City: Marburg

Category: Cars & Transport


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