» Cars & Transport » Complaint / review: Avis - Authorisations held since july | #214912

Authorisations held since july

AVIS took authorizations from cheque card as far back as the beginning of July. I returned the cars and I have been awaiting the release of the authorization they holding. On the 19th Avis too a further authorization of R5190, thou I had returned the car. I called the bank to find out. The bank then informed me that Avis was holding further authorizations from July totaling R5400 R5190 = 10590 on my cheque card. I called Avis to try and find out what is happening. Avis said they would email their merchant bank and rectify the problem within 24 hours. I called again on the 21st and the same song was sang to me. I called on saturday and the same story. I called today and the same story. Avis is taking liberty with my account and my funds are disappearing, I am beginning to suspect activity because, I do not understand why all these funds are held and how i am suppose to function and plan my things with Avis just taking money as they please and not returning or informing me what is happening. I have sleepless nights because I don't know how much they will take tomorrow or the next day.


Company: Avis

Country: South Africa   City: Cusotmer service

Category: Cars & Transport


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