» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Altrisk - Claim repudiated due to apparent non disclosure | #214554

Claim repudiated due to apparent non disclosure

I had no choice to have my Altrisk cover ceased and my premiums paid back to me and the took 8.5 percent admin fees! The gall. I urge everyone on this forum to join me in my campaign to badmouth Altrisk so they can lose clients. The legal way of course. We are not neanderthals.
My so called non disclosure should have been dealt with with my broker and up to today I have not even heard from them.
But my lawyer has told me I have a case and we will sort this out b4 year end.
Mr Blane... u and ur company should be awarded the top thievery award and 4 incompetence. U only investigate at the claim stage after already have drawn interest from your clients' money. White collar thievery pure and simple. And dont insult my intelligence with the moronic automated responses. Be original for once with a more personal specific response. My facebook rant has garnered a lot of similar views...


Company: Altrisk

Country: South Africa   City: Johannesburg

Category: Business & Finance


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