I did a credit application today and have found that DMC (0861101729) has placed a Trace Alert on my credit report. This is totally ridiculous, I have never received a call from this company previously and you are probably tracing me for a very old debt. I would like to bring to your attention "The Prescriptions Act 68 of 1969" which indicates specific periods in which creditors are supposed to collect money. You are one of the debt collectors who are collecting on debts that have already been prescribed by law and are no longer payable as they have been written off. You cannot claim money for a debt that's older than 3 years for retail accounts etc. Consumers need to be aware that these debt collecting firms buy over these debts for next to nothing and make demands for excessive amounts claiming to take legal action if you do not pay. I will be contacting the NCR to investigate your files so that you stop harassing consumers. Please remove all your traces on me with immediate effect!!! I do not know you and do not owe you anything. This amount you are claiming was old debt that Standard Bank has written off. I don't have this proof any longer as I had computer problems.