Been a client of ABSA for about 30 years which I suppose does not mean much. I do expect better feedback though. Twice now I have mailed the actionline (Patrick West) & both times the feedback is pitiful.
I basically informed them that I am not happy with certain features on the interface for internet banking. Instead of being extremely happy & thankful for the feedback & at least reporting that they will endeavour to do something about it. They merely say that I need to contact an internet helpline.
I am not the one that needs the help here.
Firstly they have removed previous options which were available on the old interface. This must be an oversight as if you are going to revamp a service then surely this is to make it better & more user friendly not worse than it currently is. Previously I could access mortgage account figures from a year back but currently it is only a few months. The reply was that I should use the old banking for this feature.
Secondly I told them that when you click on the "New internet banking" button, the system logs you out everytime. Is this what the intention is? If so, surely the button should be labelled " logout"!