» Advertising » Complaint / review: Groupon SA - Don t receive vouchers | #215219

Groupon SA
Don't receive vouchers

I bought a deal on Groupon for the second time where my money goes through, but I never receive my voucher. Then they say that I have used the incorrect reference, but I copy and paste the reference directly from the Groupon site.
They now have R6999.00 of my money and refuse to put my order through. They say it will take 3 to 10 days before they can refund me, by which time the deal will already be expired. So now I have to pay double banking costs and my monthly budget has been shot to as I have to take money out of my savings to be able to re-buy this deal while still waiting for my refund.


Company: Groupon SA

Country: South Africa

Category: Advertising


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