» Telecommunications

Nashua Mobile

I use to have a contract with nashua 2 yrs ago and nw to my surprise I started getting letters frm nashua
about an overdue a account.
Decided to go instore then I got a shock of my life there was a contract which was done by nashua staff member in clear water mall joburg

I reside In cape town and now this person works for nashua opened a new contract using my details which the had on system already.
Now I am sitting with a problem whereby no one at nashua want s or is willing to assist me instead
I M told that the person who did this no longed work s for the company. Why should that matter or let
along be my problem cos they had my details and this has happened why can't they take ownershi
and have this resolved.

I am so disappointed and feel let down no one from nashua has phoned me to awknowledge this problem
or tell me they are dealing with it. Instead I am using and following advise given by my lawyer

HE said I must send an affidavit to nashua advising wht happened and confirm it was not me that
opened the account now my credit profile is being ruined


Company: Nashua Mobile

Country: South Africa   City: Clear water mall

Category: Telecommunications


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