» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Edgars - Injury without compassion and assistance | #218349

Injury without compassion and assistance

My family and I were shopping in Edgars on the 23rd September 2013. Were i slipped on the back piece of you'r magnetic chip in front of the security guard by the men's t-shirts. no assistance from the security guard. My family collected the wheel chair. My son got pain medication and deep heat plasters from clicks. I went back into Edgars to look for a manager. A teller called the manager Sydney who asked me to fill in a book. He agreed this whole experience was totally unacceptable. I did not get a copy of the letter and he said i must get my foot seen to as it was very swollen and painful and he would call me later that day. I am a single mother and do not have a medical aid. I am a pre school teacher. I went to the Lions old age home were my sister is a manger. The matron gave me medical attention. I have torn my legament and in a moon boot. I am not sure how i am going to cope next week being back at school. If i do not work i do not get paid. To date i have not received a call from Sydney or any body from Edgars


Company: Edgars

Country: South Africa   City: East Rand Mall

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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