» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Daddy s Deals - Poor food quality | #215385

Daddy's Deals
Poor food quality

My GF had bought a voucher from Daddy's deals for a restaurant called 'Dolcita' which is located at Whilson's Wharf, Durban. On arrival we noticed that the place was empty, we were the only patrons. Only later would we understand why this was the case. The waited said that the only wine they had was boxed semi sweet wine... what restaurant does not stock proper wines? When the food arrived, the chicken was uncooked, was not flame grilled, more like microwaved, the prawns & calamari were stale. I refused to eat this food sort of food and so we left immediately. Daddy's deals should test the restaurants they promote... as unsuspecting and trusting consumers we were conned into purchasing a voucher for a restaurant that did not even have a proper chef. Really disgusted with that restaurant and the fact that we paid for food we could not possibly consider eating.


Company: Daddy's Deals

Country: South Africa   City: Durban

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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