I have contracted multichoice on the 4th of September and requested them to switch my dish of on the 7th of September as I am paid up until then. I also requested them to cancel my debit order as they confirmed it is changed over to cash payment. On the 9th of September they debited my account even after I cancelled my debit order on my Internet banking on the 4th Sept. After calling them twice I am getting different answers from the call centre. First person told me he discussed it with his supervisor and i will get my refund on the 6th of Sept. The second time I called it was said that it takes 7days before they send the cheque to be deposited. Why is it so difficult to get a refund. I even explained to them on the 4th of September that my sons birthday is on the 18th of Sept and I cancelled my dish due to be able to give him something for his birthday but it seems that peoples financial sutuations does not matter to multichoice.