» Real Estate » Complaint / review: Trafalgar - Chairman of complex who wants things his way or no | #238692

Chairman of complex who wants things his way or no

I reside in a complex in pta, the chairman is the boss and instructs the security to fine and give orders to people he advises them off, I have received a fine and when fine is disputed... it goes back to the chairman who requested that I get fined... so who the can assist me cause its his word against mine and also I have requested proof which he fails to give me... which means I can continue getting fines for no reason and when its disputed it goes to the person who initially gave the fine... its and im gonna blow his head off soon
Cause now im fined on my rent bill by trafalgar who doesnt even know whats happening...


Company: Trafalgar

Country: South Africa   City: Centurion

Category: Real Estate


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