Complaints and Reviews | African Сountries
Page 964

Standard Bank
Incompetent staff

Applied for a new Elite Plus account on the 21st of January 2014! Had to enquire about the account myself on the 28th of January! Apparently they couldn't get hold of my employer-that is untrue! Received card on the 3rd of February, after I have asked the consultant, is everything done! I now can't ...

Hyundai South Africa

My under warranty i20 was at the dealer 2Jan they ordered my part 6 jan, which i had to confirm 2wks later as they NEVER tend to call a client. on 27Jan being quite fed up i tried phoning Annemarie to find out when my Cluster will arrive to my surprise the switch board tells me that she NEVER picks ...

Appaling service

I paid my account on time in december but was disconnected cause they said they did not receive the payment. I sent all the proof they needed and today i came home to find that i am disconnected again. I pay every month on time and don't deserve such service. Will i be refunded for the days i am ...

Illing incorrect

I go into sanral cresta to pay my account im not tagged or anything. today I was told to pay there are amounts that isn't even connected to a car but its on my vpc account . how do they get this right without actual car that there is an amount owing. when asked I was told the system does it. THE ...