» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Fruit And Veg City - NO label on housebrand milk | #216356

Fruit And Veg City
NO label on housebrand milk

In fruit & Feg VANDERBIJL PARK the is no label on the house brand milk and no expiry dates
When I told the manager she said they do not need to put labels on and there is an expiry date on all the milk.
Well there is a date on a sticker but no were does it say Expiry date and she said the milk is fresh so they do not have to put labels on.
But How do I know what is in the milk and does it get tested
I want to know why Clover must then pay for label and expiry dates if Friut and Feg can do what they want??


Company: Fruit And Veg City

Country: South Africa   City: Vanderbijl Park

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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