» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Clicks - It says on your website that you open at 8am | #213382

It says on your website that you open at 8am

Ecently my dad was ill and i cycled out from Mouille Point to Clicks Glen Gariff to get him medicine, after, of course, checking online what the opening hours were. 8am, stated by the website. Got there, store opening hours is 9am. It seems like a trifle, but it's really annoying. Clicks is a national chain with probably over a few hundred stores. SURELY they must have the internal communication systems in place where all info is communicated. Or maybe just a case of not caring enough to update details on the site.


Company: Clicks

Country: South Africa   City: Glengariff

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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