» Cafes, Bars, Restaurants » Complaint / review: Limnos Bakery - Wedding cake disappointment | #250543

Limnos Bakery
Wedding cake disappointment

On 14/09/2013 I placed an order for a tag cake (R450.00) which was was meant to be consumed at my wedding lunch. The order was placed at Limnos Bakery in Kuils River and Monique assisted me. The following week I made the internet payment and it was agreed that the cake could be collected by my brother-in-law at 9am on 21/09/2013. My brother-in-law later told me at the wedding lunch that the bakery was looking for the cake but eventually they found a box with my name on and gave it to him. When I opened the box at the venue I was horrified and deeply disappointed. They gave a cake which was worth R270.00 and was not the cake I ordered. On Sunday afternoon on 22/09/2013 Monique called from the bakery asking me do I still want the cake as it was at the bakery still. I expressed my disappointment as the staff gave the wrong cake. After calling and emailing Limnos continuously Miriam from the Head Office said they could give me another tag cake or reimburse my money. I chose to have my money reimbursed. Up til today Limnos Kuils River did not reimburse my money. They ignore my calls and emails. I am totally appalled as to how they are treating me as they ruined my wedding day.


Company: Limnos Bakery

Country: South Africa   City: Kuils River

Category: Cafes, Bars, Restaurants


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