Nashua Mobile
Pathetic service


I was called last week to be advised that I will be charged R2500 for data that went over my limit on the 1st of September. I get 1GB per month for R99 and according to credit department I went 2GB over at a cost of R2500??? I have a R100 limit on the line so data should not have gone out of bundle and I was advised by the call centre agent that it was tough.

Not only have I not received a report of the data used or a call back from the manager as promised, I also received an email advising me that someone from the MD's desk will look into it and get back to me and no one has. In April I was also given the run around from the manager at the Glen store for a whole week with promises of a micro card for my ipad. Several people called and advised they would look into it and no one called back then either, or even so much as apologised. Reading the reports in Hello Peter it's a wonder how you have any clients left at all.

There are pages and pages of complaints and not one compliment.

I have been with Nashua for over 10 years and I certainly wont be renewing any of my contracts. Cancelling them will be a nightmare I'm sure but I'll never have to do it again.

Company: Nashua Mobile
Country: South Africa
City: Head office
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Nashua Mobile
Still no one has contacted me

Nashua Mobile
Data usage

Nashua Mobile
Nashua Mobile: Call limits & data complaint

Nashua Mobile
Poor Customer Service

Nashua Mobile
Empty promises

Nashua Mobile

Nashua Mobile

Nashua Mobile
Poor service once again

Nashua Mobile

Nashua Mobile
Poor Billing on Data Nashua/Vodacom