Warranty check


On 16/06/2013 I took my Nokia Lumia 610 to the store where the contract wa taken out. The battery looked as though it was charging but was running low very soon. Because the phone is still under 6 months old the phone was booked in for a warranty check. This is now 4 weeks laterand numerous phone calls and messages. Messages was always taken but no one ever returned my calls to give any feedback. This service I find very poor. On 10/07/2013 I phoned the store only to be told the phone is there and is repaired. When questioned on why it was repaired because it was only sent for a warranty check - there was no answer. The only answer I get is we will find out and call you back. Needless to say no answer to date. I was not contacted during this time telling me what the problem is or eve asking do I want the phone repaired. The form I signed the day the contract was taken out states within six months I have a choice of replace, repair or refund. I want a new phone and not a repaired phone.
I find the service to say the least from the repair centre to the store where the phone was handed in pathetic.

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: Westwood Mall
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Pathetic service

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