Discovery Health
Discovery depleted my medical saving account

Health & Medicine

I recently gave birth to a baby who unfortunately had some medical complications and had to be admitted to the neonatal ICU. After I was discharged from hospital he stayed on for another 4 days. Once the hospital claims were processed, his hospital bill was deducted from my medical savings account (MSA) leaving me with a depleted MSA and a bunch of rejected doctors and pharmacy claims.

Discovery health insists that the hospital did not submit the proper dates for baby's stay in hospital and that this is why they deducted costs from my MSA but I have the hospital emails (sent to me by the hospital case manager after I phoned them myself) as proof that the hospital supplied discovery with the correct admission and discharge dates. Apparently there are backlogs/errors on discovery's processing and queries system but not on claims and so claims are being paid before they are authorized!

I have received no joy from discovery in replenishing my MSA or admitting their guilt in this blunder and they continue to blame the hospital. They have asked me to send them the update emails which they claim they never received but I have been given no expected resolution date.

Company: Discovery Health
Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town
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