Migration and Billings problem since AUGUST 2013


I am writing on behalf on my father who is the holder of my cellphone account.
Last year August, NOTE AUGUST, i noticed that R1100 of my airtime had disappeared from one day to the next. All airtime to the last cent was gone. I then inquired about the matter and it came to my attention that my number had been incorrectly migrated to prepaid. MTN had inserted a wrong number.
I called repeatedly till finally on the 24th OCTOBER the migration was finally reversed, after I had been told that I should somehow contact the party who's number should have been migrated and ask them to reverse the process? My airtime at this point had not been returned.
At the point where i was topped up again finally (TopUp200 i think?) i did receive my R200 airtime and 25sms's but i did not receive my 200MB which i had gotten since the start of my contract in April! I had still not received my lost airtime.
I continued calling minimum once a week, and finally on the 27th December they logged the complaint for the airtime matter. I'm not sure if the absent MB issue was adding to the complaint, although I had brought it up numerous times.
This is a ridiculous! Fix it!!!

Ulrich Wissdorf

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: Contracts Devision
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Contract migration tp prepaid

Contract to prepaid migration

Incorrect Billing and Bad Service

Airtime, due to error made by MTN

MTN forcing me to remain in contract

Prepaid converted unlawfully

My airtime just disappeared

Interpretation of contract

Migration from Voice to Data without my consent

Virgin Mobile South Africa
Of funds from account and airtime