Little or no internet for over a year!!


We've been with Cybcersmart for awhile now and can't really move as we use our [Email Removed] email for work. We have almost never actually received the connection or speeds we pay for every month and very often its almost unusable like tonight again. We had for a whole YEAR no internet at all Fri afternoon to early Mon morning, we now pay for 2mb line and at best receive 0.9mb speed and often 0.4mb speed. We always have to call them and the response is always the same, pass the blame to Telkom, get told they have logged a fault but then no updates or anything just forgotten again and internet remains slow. I feel like we should be getting credit from them for only receiving 0% - 50% of the promised speeds. It is immensely frustrating as the customer care consultants are not to blame and can only do so much which is very often nothing at all. This problem has persisted for years now and its not great business at all. All we want is what we pay for and when we don't get that don't charge us for the full service, that's just ridiculous! Please make an actual effort to fix this long standing problem! Wanted to add a [URL Removed] result but couldn't even load the page!!

Company: Cybersmart
Country: South Africa
City: Somerset west
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8ta / Telkom Mobile
8ta Internet unusable... so slow... DNS fails

ADSL line still slow

Pathetic speeds

Slower ADSL than 56k dial-up!

Internet Down

8ta / Telkom Mobile
Shocking internet speeds

Terrible Internet Speeds (MTN BIS)

Extremely slow adsl

Poor internet speed

Telkom: Not the ADSL speed I am paying fo