Falcon Sa
Not willing to provide a quote


I send a detailed bill of materials to this supplier on 29 Dec 2012 requesting a quote on the information provided.

Knowing that they were closed most probably over the holidays, I followed up today with a phone call requesting a quote on the email sent the [Email Removed] The male employee who answered the phone first told me that they are not open and then asked me to what email I sent it (did I not just tell you). He asked me where did I get this email and I replied that it is advertised on their website. I was then reprimanded for sending something to a mail advertised on a website.

What a joke! Seriously. I replied that it is ok I will not proceed with the quote then. He said ok.

Who ever this employee is is obviously costing this business a lot of money with this no customer focused attitude.

Company: Falcon Sa
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg West
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