First National Bank
Shocking Service

Business & Finance

Clearly FNB's repeated media promises of great customer service don't apply to all clients. I'd love to know the qualifying criteria as I've been querying bank charges since Sep. When I didn't receive a response fm Marlene to my 3 emails & a phone call in Sep, I emailed again in Oct & copied 'care@fnb'. Again, no response. In Nov I repeated this & finally Neil contacted me to try resolve my query. Some questions were answered but the final two have dragged on. I've had to follow up with them as promises to 'get back to you' were not honoured. In Jan Neil told me Marlene is on leave and would 'get back to me' when she returned the following week.

Today I called and was told that 'she just walked in today' - she'd been ill. Whilst I empathise with her illness, surely someone could have called to explain the delay? The refund promised to me in Nov would not happen as the 30 day query period had expired by the time I'd queried the fee. Why not just tell me this back in Sep or promise a refund in Nov?

The last query was dealt with by telling me 'you did not score for a petrocard'. Not really my query but an answer at least.

Definitely not a satisfied client!

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Vineyard, Claremont
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Efund my money and i will pay you

Beyond Pathetic Service Once Again