First National Bank
Anch manager retaliates about complaint

Business & Finance

Yesterday my sister and I went to the nigel branch first national bank to Make an immediate notice on a 32 days account, yes we are aware that we should put in a notice before we can get the funds but in a case of an emergency we can get the funds subject to a penalty fee, when the branch manager refused to give us the money saying she needs proof of why we need the funds, I asked to log a complain as I don't understand what proof should we bring as my sister had resigned from her work and the bank statement shows that no salary had been deposited in 2months plus her debit orders have bounced and insurance have lapsed, isint this proof enough???

Well as an unhappy and dissatisfied customer/client I asked to log a complaint, then the branch manager went behind my back and phoned my work place and complained about me being rude to her, in which part off the CPA does it state that when a customer complains them the institution must retaliate and complain against the customers where the customer works??? Plus the branch manager doesn't know me so which one of her staff memebers breached my CPA right to confidentiality by disclosing my personal details (name, work place, etc).

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Nigel
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