Metropolitan Life
Poor Customer Service

Business & Finance

I have been trying for about six weeks to make a Retirement Annuity Paid Up. I have sent a good number of emails where my request is either ignored or I am only given a half answer and no real assistance given. I have also tried to get a response from the Call Centre. I have been kept holding on for ten minutes plus and when given an option to press "1" to leave a message, the call is disconnected. I have requested that a service consuktant contact me telephonically to discuss my query so I can get a straight and complete answer and resolve my query a.s.a.p. Needless to say I have not been afforded the courtesy of a response.
I have been a client of Metropolitan Life for more than twenty years and am really disappointed at their lack of service.

Company: Metropolitan Life
Country: South Africa
City: Head Office
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