Appalling Service


Hi Mtn
I called 808 at 10:34 please pull the call made to Nomsa Khumalo
Understandably its a holiday & people may not be in the mood to work but your customers expect service nonetheless. My details have changed, now i recall expressing this to previous consultants i have dealt with i do not know if my details were updated by them or not but i have been asked for them & provided them too
Now Nomsa was told this, & even though i Said it not once did she offer to update whats on the system what she did was display a non co operative attitude & go the extent of telling me i did not provide my details to be updated which i found highly irritating. Furthermore when i tried to advise her how she should handle the call she was silent not acknowledging me, i asked if there were phone line problems she said no which showed her blatant disregard for 1 helping me get my details updated or even helping me get my query resolved. I asked for a supervisor she advised me after a long wait that he was busy on a call & would call me back, i called from 0789700665 she has my number, no call was returned to me so i sit with 2 problems, my incorrect information on your system & also the original query

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: Call centre
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Welkom Yizani
Slow Updating of details

Updated my policy details HASSLE FREE

2 weeks to update bankin details, & stil not done
Inferior customer Service

Poor/Pathetic Service from Edgar’s & still not so

Jabba Connect

Uncaped daily prepaid fail, callcenter (173) fail

Disconnected without communication!

Mtn Zakhele
Details still not updated since mid decembe