Consistant Inconsistance


I am a Subscriber on the MTN broadband light package,
I have been having this fight with MTN since February. at the start of Feb I called in to MTN SP (808) to find out when my provisioning date is, I was told the 14th of each month. so I waited.
Feb 14 came and the provisioning hadn't happed, called in again this time to sort this out for good, I spoke to a lady by the name og Ragina who took up the the issue and "escalated it" whatever that means, She alson told me that she would give me feedback in the quickest time possible, which also didn't happen. After being sent in circles by 808 and 1555, I was told that I would be provisioned on the 21st of feb, and as of the 14th of March. I was provisioned on the 21st of feb. but not on the 14th of March. The date specified to me buy the agent.
on thursday the 14th of March I called in again to find out what the problem was, I was the put through to Ragina, we spoke and I was provisioned the next day.
I was capped again on monday, I called in to find out yet again what the problem is, Spoke to Ragina and was told I would recieve feedback the next day. No feedback the next day.

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: MTN SP
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