Cell C
Extremely poor speeds


We have been using prepaid Cell C data bundles (Smartdata 24GB) for almost three years, the past two at our home in Rondebosch, Cape Town. Whilst upload speeds were never great downloads were good and web pages/mail opened easily. However from late January 2013 the speeds have progressively reduced to such an extent that it is now virtually impossible to conduct the simplest of tasks as pages don't open/time out. On connecting the signal is strong and shows the mode as HSPA (if this is true). As we have been in the same place for two years, I can only assume that there is a major problem with the Cell C network and not coverage, which we have always had.
Apart from the PC, I unfortunately have Cell C 3G on my I-pad which has also degraded alarmingly and is particularly bad when at home.

We rely on the data connections for online work purposes, which is now resulting in lost income. What should we do apart from return the Smartdata 24GB sim and claiming a pro rata refund and cancelling the monthly contract for the I-pads data? Cell C care to advise/assist?

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Rondebosch
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