Cell C
Getting robbed blind!!!


I have noticed that my 500MB data bundle for my tablet lasts less and less each month. I'm lucky if I make it to the 10th before it runs out.

Once it runs out, my unbilled balance sky rockets day after day, sometimes going up as much as R15 at a time which means I am doing 100MB a day, this is not possible as I am online maybe for an hour a day and it's just general browsing. Unless your 0.15c per MB claim is a load of rubbish. Maybe you just enjoy ripping off your clients?

I have resorted to disconnecting my data bundle when my tablet is not in use because I think Cell C is doing something in the background. Yet even with this strategy I managed to accrue a further R15 yesterday. Not possible!!!

I was considering moving my cellphone account from MTN to Cell C but now I'm considering moving my tablet account from Cell to MTN. Never thought I'd be saying that but this is getting ridiculous now.

Resolve this issue immediately, you can't keep ripping people off like this. We just won't stand for it.

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Accounts
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