Nashua Mobile
Simply the best


Ever since my upgrade of the 01/11/2013 I have been unhappy from the word go due to the billing type that was not properly explained to me and that I didn't not enquire about (I take responsibility too).

Lennita came along to explain things to me step by step. Even gave me tips and suggestions to resolve my problem. I finally took the decision to migrate from contract to prepaid and yet again there was a problem. I was out of service for 3 days (I could not use my line for that period). Lennita yet again stepped up and saved the day.

In simple im saying, Lennita is passionate about people and her work. She has the spirit of a customer service hero, she definitely deserves all the glory and incentives for not only does she goes the extra mile but she has a personalised approach in resolving queries. She makes one to want to stay with your institution even when they ready to leave.

I've never in any place experienced such warmth and heart from a customer service representative. She is an asset and don't ever let her go but ensure you keep her and promote her to greater heights when the time comes for she deserves it and has proven it in her work.

Company: Nashua Mobile
Country: South Africa
City: Gauteng
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