Cell C
Once again Cell C!!! Just do your jobs for once!!!


Once again, nothing has happened and this has been going on since July 2013 and now its Jan 2014. WOW Cell C you must really work slow! I swear I don't even want to support the any more because you sponsor them, its that bad.

Lets Just try make this as Simple as possible because none of your call centre employees want to help me and they have the hardest time finding a manager who I may talk to.
I Need you " Cell C " to come to Brettenwood Coastal Estate, house number 15 Malachite, in Sheffield Beach, KZN, 4390 to test the signal which you have promised so many times that you would, but the one time you went out to test the signal you went to my home and not the address given.

Market all you want, sponsor any team you want, but I promise I am making you loose clients by telling the truth at how poor your service and quality is in this area.

Its time to put your big boy pants on, pull up your socks, dust your knees off and be who you claim to be, show me you can do this and my attitude will change and I will support you, if not these messages will continue.

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Sheffield Beach
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