Virgin Mobile South Africa
Contract Concellation


After 'successful' cancellation of my contract 18 July 2013, an operator at Virgin Mobile confirms to me that debit orders will run off 2 months after contract cancellation. This means a last debit order 1 October 2013. Also note that this contract (at time of cancellation) was 26 months old already and hence could have been cancelled 2 months prior to July already.

I cannot see any note of this in the agreements... and given the info above find the whole deal very strange.

Also, the hardest part of being Fica'd can be done at a Virgin shop. But in order to cancel I have to call the call center. The Call center line has dropped me no less than 10 times already - this after waiting at least 10 minutes for an operator on every call.

I also never received my Virgin cancellation confirmation after 2 operators confirmed that it was taken care of. I have followed up Fri 19 July on which it was confirmed that it was cancelled. No reference number, you have to remember the operator name :-)


Company: Virgin Mobile South Africa
Country: South Africa
City: South Africa
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