5th time recurring problem


My blackberry 9380 which is under a year old, has been having the same recurring problem for the 5th time now. The microphone/earspeaker is faulty and the call breaks up within minutes making it nearly impossible to have a conversation. The unit was first booked in May 2013 and till the latest job report 16 july 2013 only software upgrades have been done to fix a hardware problem. The device is out of my possession for an average of 10 days at a time and which I am paying an installment fee for something thats not in my possession nor am I able to utilize the sevrices I am paying for. The device had no external damages but after the 3rd asssessment my device had scrathes at the bottom. The last job report (9032335) an escalation was made and a request for a replacement unit, however when I queried the repair I was informed that no replacement nor a repair was done. It's an inconvenience to me to keep going to the store and having no solution as well as no phone. I am very frustrated and disappointed with the repair process and vodacom.

Company: Vodacom
Country: South Africa
City: Pietermaritzburg
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Refurbished device not acceptable

Instability to supply customer service

Faulty device and bad service

Customer given the runaround - not ON!!!

Handset after sales support not up to scratch


8ta / Telkom Mobile
Complaint Against 8ta for Blackberry 9900 Bold

Bogus external damage claim to shrug responsibilty