Cell C
Ad customer service and wrong billing on account


Received a sms saying I can upgrade from my all week 100, wich was a blackberry contract with bis etc. so I phoned cell c direct and applied for a blackberry z10 on a straight up 200 with one gig free internet and 200meg and 200 smse and 200minutes. received it on 8th march. had to sim swap for micro sim, wich ive done the same day.

last month (april), I receive a bill for R700 internet charges. phoned in to cell c and spoke to Grand, he said that is wrong and he would see to it that they would credit me. THAT NEVER HAPPENED!

Then on 21 may a rude woman phoned saying ive got internet charges of R3700 and disconnected me after she dropped the phone in my ear! ive been phoning everyday, no one has come back to me. today I get another call saying my internet charges is now R4300. impossible as my line was cut last week on R3700! and it was only sent for investigation yesterday! A WEEK LATER! how can you charge me internet if on my contract ive got internet! even on my old contract ive got internet! so if im still on old contract its also not right! IVE GOT A BLACKBERRY INTERNET CONTRACT, infact got 5 contracts with cell c. ive got wifi anycase and thats what i use. WAKE UP CELL C

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Gauteng
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