Angry customer who is not so happy about game

Shops, Products, Services

Hello Peter last year I bought a samsung refridgerator at game in festival mall (kempton park) when it was sapposed to be delivered I got lots of storiez from the sales manager Luan Swanepoel. Apparently my fridge has been sold to ther other customer and there was no stock left in other branches and supplierz. He told me this is the second time of this issue, there's nothing to be done rather than choosing an alternative one. I chose it he then told me he wil speak to the store manager 1st. He foned me a week later telling me that he can't help me I should come and get my money back, I told him I don't want money back I want what I paid for because its not my fault that game sold my frigde. He hang up the fone then I went to the store with my slip, I was told that they've already refunded me, I was shocked because I didn't signed for a refund. My question was what's the diffrent between white money and black money because the white customer u didn't refund him? I couldn't get an answer but lame excuses.

Company: Game
Country: South Africa
City: Shopping centre
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The Game store manager doesn’t care about clients

Extended Warranty

Bad Service - made me drive 40KM's for nothing

Angry. custome

Refund for faulty goods not received yet

Just poor customer service

Defected Game

Worst service by manager anf store manage

Cash Converters Southern Africa
Damaged Goods

Sold used and Damaged Goods