I need my money!

Politics & Government

Prior to 21 May 2013 I had an auto payment going through to SARS to pay my penalties and i finished paying in March but forgot to cancel the debit. So it went through in April and I called SARS to pay back the amount to which I was told they will escalate and in 21 days my money will be paid. 21days later nothing happened, unfortunately another debit went though in May and I called again and I was told they will escalate with new case number. 21 May i went to Alberton offices to rectify and I was told it will be escalated and case number was given again. 25 June I called to follow up and case number no longer exists and another case given and I am told it will be escalated too. How many times will my case be escalated before I get my money back? According to helpdesk I just have to be patient because there is no other channel i can use to speed up the payment. How do you close case numbers if t they are not resolved? Please pay the money into my account A.S.A.P. How many case numbers do I need before I get my money back? Please advise because I will call everyday for a case number if i have to.

Company: SARS
Country: South Africa
City: Alberton
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