Discovery Health
Claims still unpaid

Health & Medicine

My son was born 15/11/13 and had a barrage of pathology and radiology tests due to prematurity. Pathology claims for him from 15/11 to 18/11 remain unpaid despite several telephonic and email attempts to resolve this.

Discovery says the claims are under the incorrect name and Ampath says they are not and that Discovery admitted error on their part on 18/12 but have yet to rectify.

I have, over the last month, been to Ampath, to the hospital case management and to the radiologists to try and resolve this. I have called Discovery and emailed. Number of times with several requests for a call back to resolve this, but have been ignored.

After almost no adequate feedback and no attempt on Discovery's part at a solution, I am infuriated! I've made two calls to Ampath today and two more to Discovery only to have my call dropped and no call back.

Why am I doing all the leg work here? I'm the one paying the fat premium every month, now I must run around to fix this mess too? Why has every request for a call back been ignored? And why is it so hard to get feedback?

It's not rocket science to determine the difference between in-hospital and out-of-hospital claims!

Company: Discovery Health
Country: South Africa
City: Sandton
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