Skynet Worldwide Express
No Delivery of unisa parcel

Cars & Transport

Dear Sir Maam

My Unisa parcel was supposed to be delivered by the 8th of January according to the track and trace as well as the call center.

I have called on many occasion to be given many different stories and promised delivery the next day.

Today is the 6th of February and i have still not received the parcel.

My last 3 call to skynet resulted in:
1.) a promise to deliver the next day - this did not occur
2.) a Conference call with the driver who also reassured me that it would be delivered - this did not occur
3.) a final promise to be Delivered in the afternoon yesterday afternoon between 2 to 5 pm - this did not occur

Please can I speak to a manager because it seems like the drivers are incompetent.

Reference: UNP4120873

Company: Skynet Worldwide Express
Country: South Africa
City: JHB - Crosby
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