First National Bank
Smart device application

Business & Finance

This seems to be the only way i get a response or any assistance.. i have been waiting since the 01/02 for a response on my smart device application. i was requested to send my debit order switch forms through which i did on the 1/02, I received no response when i called on the 06/02 to enquire i was told that they received no forms, i resent the forms the same day. later the day a consultant from the customer service contacted me regarding my account as to a reason for not sending my forms through yet!!! i informed the gentlemen that i have sent the forms for the 2nd time that afternoon and i was told i would receive a confirmation receipt the next day which to date i have not received anything, This is not the first time i am experiencing such bad service from the same company that i left my previous bank thinking this would receive better service. please advise of the way forward as i have been far too long.

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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