First National Bank
Opening of Account / poor response

Business & Finance

I'd been trying to open my FNB account for over 2 months now and still no joy. I have no idea what's happening with the transfer of my debit orders or having my salary deposited into the new account. I've now received a notice that because the account hasn't been used since July, it'll be closed within 30 days if FNB doesn't hear from me.

I've responded to the notice and received a return email stating that FNB would get in touch with me within 48hrs - well over 100hrs have now passed since my original email on Wednesday 2nd October. Had I known that this is what could be expected of FNB, I wouldn't have bothered trying to move banks and sruck with the existing rubbish service I was getting from STD bank. Unacceptabble!!

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Rand Ridge Mall
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