First For Women Insurance
Lack of service and delivery of promises

Business & Finance

First for women insurance promises to deliver so many promises, none of which last night I could say had they delivered on. My 6 yr old daughter and I were stranded on an extremely busy road for over 2 hours waiting for a tow truck and/or a guardian angel. No calls were made to me nor sms whilst I constantly called the call centre to find out whether anyone was coming to our aid. I even pleaded with the manager that our lives were in danger and that I could not for the fear of our lives wait there any longer. All of the promises and hopes made by FFW was shattered last night. I would not wish what I went through on any woman whether alone and especially with children.

I was absolutely horrified and disgusted by the woman are treated and especially when an insurance company promises so much

Rather let woman know and mothers know that they will be stranded on the side of the road for over 2 hours and that no one cares at the insurance company than make promises that you can not keep. My child and I are still traumatized by our experience. All due to FFW!

Company: First For Women Insurance
Country: South Africa
City: Call centre
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