African Bank
Advised interest free loan phased out

Business & Finance

On 2nd Aug I went to African bank in Goodwood mall as I wanted to take out a second loan. I had an existing loan with them at the time which was the interest free loan. I was assisted by an Indian lady. I told her i wanted the interest free loan and she told me that product has been phased out and is no longer available. Afterwards i settled my first loan and sent POP to the bank and called to check if they have received it, Whilst i was on hold i heard the interest free loan being advertised on their IVR and asked the customer care consultant who was helping me whether this is still available and he said yes. The consultant at Goodwood therefore gave me wrong info, im guessing for personal gain. That is and I would like this followed up and corrected or I will take this further. Why would I want to pay interest if there is an interest free loan, worst part is I asked her about it because im familiar with the product and she blatantly to me. Does african bank not instill morals and ethics in their consultants? How many customers is this lady ripping off for personal gain on a daily basis? I find this utterly disgusting. I would appreciate some feedback on this matter.

Company: African Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Goodwood Mall
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