Company can't read their own forms

Business & Finance

Once more, I send a repurchase request. After another apology for ANOTHER DELAYED RESPONSE I get told that they cannot read the form I sent back. I ask why not. They say "We have to print the forms, scan it in and then send it to relevant department.' Ok, so who's fault is it that the form is illegible? Is it mine? Is it my problem that you need to print a form and then scan it? Is there anything I can do about how your system is??? Must I now do something about the fact that YOU need to print and then scan documents which then makes it illegible to read it?
I ask "Can we do it electronically then, so I can type it in." Answer from Stanlib: 'NO"
Stanlib solution: write harder on the paper. Well, I did. Now what???
I'll give you a bit of elementary advise and help: if you can't read the forms, DESIGN BIGGER FORMS WHERE CLIENTS CAN WRITE BIGGER SO YOU CAN READ IT BY THE TIME IT IS SCANNED AND PRINTED ON YOUR SIDE!!! VERY SIMPLE SOLUTION!!! Why must we come up with all these solutions for you! Absolute unhelpful, uninventive, tunnel visoned, closed minded people working at Stanlib!!!

Also, absolute rubbish response to my previous complaints here!

Company: STANLIB
Country: South Africa
City: Stanlib
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