Alexander Forbes Insurance
Client service and bad practice

Business & Finance

Letter send to insurer after i received call and 2 letters to increase my policy and to load compulsory excess amounts out of this world... after 1 claim on my car and 1 windscreen claim

Good day Ashleigh

I am sure you can recall when we spoke and I was vocal and expressed my shock at the ridiculous increases that you have captured on the said policy and advised that it was madness, inhuman and a shame but also a rip off.

From my side I am sure that Alexander Forbes are trying to frustrate the client or just think of the money they spending and not the relationship they bringing down

I had nothing but red tape since the claim that actually caused all this and that should have been proof as to where this will end. You treated me as a criminal from the time the claim was lodged and I have the calls and every person I spoke to regarding that. After telling them how I felt the claim was approved in 48 hours

Anyway I am not happy with the manner in which my claims are done, communication is non-existent client service is but just a farfetched dream
Policy number: Policy - 685765-4
Thank you

Kind regards

Company: Alexander Forbes Insurance
Country: South Africa
City: Sandton
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