Standard Bank
Card cancelled due to snail mail warning

Business & Finance

I receive post (already alarms bells cause it isn't guaranteed to get to me which is underhand) notifying me the a debit order has failed twice and has been cancelled, please contact standardbank card division. I do so and speak with a well spoken effect call centre woman. I ask what this is, she tells me it means the account debited has insufficient funds for the debit order. She then asks how I pay my account. I say I transfer into my credit card my whole salary and work from there. She says this manual payment would be sufficient. So when I log on today I find it is not sufficient. Instead my card is expired (date on card is nov/2017) or illegal, so without so much as a second to resolve the problem that I was notfied by in snail mail I'm cut off as I get my salary. Which is fair to the bank cause I'm using their precious money and should pay for it by starving on the street. I was in the wrong by not knowing the terms of my contract, when notified let me rectify it. But no cutting me off is better. I was always happy with standard bank till the enforced account change, now its all gone pear shaped. Guess I'll settle, cancel my accounts and then store my money in my mattress, no

Company: Standard Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Gauteng
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