Essential Med
No body can answer my question

Business & Finance

I have just joined Essential Med and now I am wondering why I did... After completing the application online for my wife, son and I on the 22nd April '13 I was called by an agent asking me when I would like the policy to be implemented, I told them that I would like the policy to kick in on the 1st May '13, On the 3rd I checked up on my bank statement to find a debit order of R313 from Essential Med, As far as I understand the amount that was to be debited was R1, 318 so I called the 0861707070 number and was put through to Oaonie who said she would look in to it and give me a call back with-in the hour. I did't receive any call back so I decided to call and find out what the situation was, I was told by Denae that Oeonie was in a meeting with the CEO and I should give her my details and they will call me back, I can honestly say that I called about 7 times through-out the day and can never get an answer to the low debit of my account, the only person (Oeonie) that can answer my question is never available, Its Monday morning and I have called again for an answer to my question, I was told by Denae that I must give her my details again as "Oeonie might have thrown my details away"

Company: Essential Med
Country: South Africa
City: National
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Essential Med
No Policy Number or Any Details

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Essential Med
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