Cell C
Such a disgrace of a Manage


I recently took up a contract at the Richards Bay branch, this was in January 2013. During this period till now the phone has gone for repairs 4 times. I had an interaction with RUDE MANAGER at the store who has been nothing but a pain since then.

He has never played a role and assisted with this issue from the beginning. At once he told me he can't assist me cause at that time, which was around 17h00, it was "his" time off. Today I make a phone call for follow up, all he does is speak rudely to me and drops the phone on my ear.

Tell me, how is it fair that I take up a contract in 3months and have the phone away 4 times? Even on the first encounter, he has never apologised on the matter but instead had his boss apologise for him. I have been in the store a couple of time since then but he just gave me attitude.

With Cell C trying to grow in the telecommunications industry, such management can really cause issues, especially on new customers. I was committed to end my contract with MTN and continue with Cell C, but with such a bad MANAGER from Richards Bay I don't think I am willing to do that.

I am tired of being treated like a problem when I have a valid issue!!!

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Richards Bay Boardwalk
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