8ta / Telkom Mobile
Bad signal, breach of contract, incompetent


I have contacted you numerous times to get my connection sorted out. Up to date I feel that you must be incompetent to work at 8ta.
Sort this out Case ref:5287736
I will let SA now about your incompetence and do so on my vehicle. Will approach a sign writer early next week to do so.

Company: 8ta / Telkom Mobile
Country: South Africa
City: South Africa
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8ta / Telkom Mobile
No Feedback after Contract Cancellation Request

Dion Wired
Incompetent People shouldnt be working

8ta / Telkom Mobile
Internet connection

8ta / Telkom Mobile

8ta / Telkom Mobile
Incompetence & Slow to Response

8ta / Telkom Mobile
Internet Signal beyond poo

8ta / Telkom Mobile

8ta / Telkom Mobile
Failure to fix the problem & no feedback

8ta / Telkom Mobile
No 3G Coverage in area as Advertised

8ta / Telkom Mobile
The most incompetent service eve