No Joy for the Dead


My father passed away in July 2012. We approached MTN about putting his contract into my mother's name, as they have no land line and have had the same cell number for a number of years. We were advised that the number could only migrate at the end of the contract date at the end of Feb 2013. We have since learnt that in case of death, the contract could have been cancelled immediately. This was only the first of several poor responses that we have had to endure. The long and short of the matter is that at the end of the contract period we once again approached MTN to terminate the existing contract and to migrate the number to pay as you go. We filed the correct paper work and provided the documents required and was told that it would take 2 to 24 hours to complete. That was the first of several failed attempts to sort this mess out. Our original paper work was never filed - lost! After resubmitting twice and dealing with several MTN employees and agencies, we are still no nearer to solving this issue. Every month hidden costs and penalties are charged and duly paid and this now has to stop. Enough is enough! Stop milking the widow for every last penny and end the contract NOW!!!

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: Cape Gate and
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Cell C
New contract FAILED to use my existing numbe

MTN SP Contract

MTN can not solve porting/migrating problem!

MTN ignoring contract cancellation

Cell C
Cell C ported my number to wrong account

Cell C
Please help

Contract activation and Number porting

Vodacom does not want to migrate number to MTN

Virgin Mobile South Africa
Failed Attempts to terminate contract

Cell C